About Me

Hi, I am Michelle, creator of bags here at Milemo. I love all things floral, stemming from my grandparents love of gardening. Flowers make me so happy!

I began sewing about 12 years ago.  My kids were needing me less and less and I needed a hobby. At the time, I struggled to find bags/purses I liked for myself.  They were too girlie, too leathery, too casual, too masculine.... you get the idea.  And since I tend to get these random ideas into my head and then obsess, I decided I wanted to make a bag. One cold October evening I ran out and bought my first sewing machine. 

I knew a little about sewing from helping my "sight challenged" granny when I was young but I had never really made anything before. With the help of YouTube, I began sewing. I was terrible at first, but determined.  My first bag turned into several bags and then I started giving them to friends and family.  Eventually I had way too many bags and an obsession I couldn't control.  

Besides making bags I am a nurse, working in a Urology clinic. A few years back,  a co-worker convinced me to start a FB page so I could show off and sell bags.  I thought she was crazy, who would want to buy my bags?  I had 40+  orders within a week and I've never looked back.